As I’m posting this it is dumping snow in Denver. Costa Rica was a nice little escape this February. I traveled with a group from work to our friends Monica and David’s wedding in San Jose. Because I was attending (not shooting) I don’t have any shots of the beautiful wedding but I was able to capture all the other details of our trip. After the wedding we traveled to Playa Langosta and spent the next five days on the beach. Costa Rica was beautiful, colorful, enchanting. It is an animal lover and a photographers dream. There was a lot I wish I’d gotten a photo of. Like the guy riding his bike with three TVs on his back. Or the hundreds of stray dogs we saw. Or how about that time in San Jose I was taking photos of pretty houses and a guy came out of his house with a shotgun…We all went and did our own thing during the trip but this is a little window into my Costa Rican adventure:
Hotel in San Jose.
Hannah found something the same size as her dog, Zoe.
At Monica’s mother’s house.
My boyfriend, Dave ripped his pants dancing at the wedding.
The only photo Dave took of me in focus. Thanks for trying. 🙂
Birds outside my window with San Jose in the background.
I describe this creature as a tiny, furry hippo and he/she was spotted on the way to the volcano–that has been too active recently to actually go and see.
A coati: monkey/raccoon/bear. A little too tame for his own good.
Look at the colors on these two.
These blue birds were everywhere! One time they started screaming wildly and we looked down and saw a snake below them.
Someone is really making an effort so keep this tree alive.
Hannah and I were swimming in the ocean and we got tangled in this man’s fishing line as he was reeling in this fish.
This is our friend Khalifa.
I’ve never lived on the west coast before so watching sunsets every night was a real treat.
Not everyone on the trip would let me take their photo so I did some selfies…
Guacamole! Guacamole! The only thing I’m good for in the kitchen–or the roof top patio like seen here.
My friends are hot.
Road block.
The snake that the bird yelled and warned us about. We all sat around looking at a chart of snakes trying to see if this guy was poisonous. Turns out this is a boa.
A photograph of our group from the top of a rock.